
Rust & Paint Removal from (almost) Anything Metal

Auto parts, aircraft parts, tools, and just about anything metal.  Our lasers can return your parts to their best possible condition without damaging fragile surfaces. 

Paint and Primer Services

Rust never sleeps, so a great way to preserve your materials after laser cleaning is to apply a protective primer coating. This is the preferred option for frames, chassis, and suspension components as well as anything moving along as part of a larger project.

We also offer excellent finished paint services for finishing out parts, pieces, and specialized components that need to look just right.

NDI - Non-destructive Inspection

Looking for a fast, safe, and reliable way to decontaminate materials prior to testing?  Our systems remove grease, oil, chemicals, paint, dust, and just about anything from target surfaces without abrasion, damage, or any chemical solvents that can impact the inspection process.

Laser cleaning is fast, safe, and affordable

Email, call, catch us on Messenger Chat, or schedule a callback online in just a few seconds.

Laser Services

Find out which is right for you


Automobile parts Restoration and Rust Removal. Condominiums, Business Parks, & Heavy Machinery... Laser Cleaning is Fast, Safe, and Amazingly Affordable!

Military / Government

Aviation - Cleaning - Decontamination - Corrosion - NDI - Non-destructive Inspection prep Government/Schools - Graffiti and gum removal from brick and concrete


Oil and Stain removal from Driveways, Garages, Brick Walls, Sidewalks, and Patios.

Mobile Service

We have full mobile service capabilities, so we can take our lasers to your site for ultra-convenient cleaning.